Barcelona hits record population high

Barcelona Hits Record Population High

The population of Barcelona has grown by 1 per cent in just over a year, with uninterrupted growth since 2022.

The population of Barcelona, the capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, has reached unprecedented levels. In September last year, the city recorded 1,718,149 inhabitants, marking an all-time high.

The figures were reported by El Periódico newspaper last week and later confirmed by city council sources to the Catalan News Agency (ACN).

Over the course of one year, from September 2023 to September 2024, Barcelona’s population growth was 1 per cent.

Barcelona is Spain’s second most populous city after the capital Madrid.

Barcelona hits record population high
Barcelona hits record population high

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    • #14680 Reply
      Chris Lewer

      Of course Barcelona’s population figures don’t include the 32 million tourists that visit the city each year, putting additional strain on local services and infrastructure.

    • #14706 Reply
      Eddie S

      Urbanisation is increasing all the time, with more and more people moving to cities. So this is inevitable. And most historic cities were not built to support the population sizes we have today.

    • #14707 Reply
      Angela P

      I’m sure many people are blaming immigration for the population rise, most of Europe and the US seems to be. But migration is going to get far worse as more of the world becomes uninhabitable. Climate change will force people to move to different countries.

      • #14708 Reply
        Rosie C

        This is absolutely true about immigration. We are all to blame for it. The world’s population is going to get bigger AND more of us will be trying to live in fewer places because of how much or the earth will be uninhabitable.

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