22 US species declared extinct in 2023

22 US Species Declared Extinct In 2023

In 2023, U.S. scientists declared 22 species of animal officially extinct. The list of species includes birds, mussels, fish, and a mammal.

Habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and invasive species – all directly attributed to human overpopulation and exploitation – are considered to be the primary causes of animal extinction. According to the United Nations, today’s rate of extinction is up to hundreds of times higher than extinctions that occurred at any time in the past 10 million years.

The 22 US species declared extinct in 2023 include 10 birds, 3 fish, 1 mammal, and 8 types of mussel.

One of the birds declared extinct in 2023 was the Bachman’s Warbler, formerly a native of Florida and South Carolina (main image).

Speaking of both the Bachman’s Warbler and related warbler species, Sea McKeon, a biologist and director of the Marine Program at the American Bird Conservancy said: “These are some of the most famous songbirds in the world and we lost [them] due to lack of protection of their habitats.”

More than 1,480 species remain on the US Fish & Wildlife Service endangered list.

According to a 2019 United Nations report, a further one million species are at risk of extinction in the next few decades.

22 US species declared extinct in 2023
Declared extinct in 2023 - Bridled White-Eye, native to Guam
22 US species declared extinct in 2023
Declared extinct in 2023 - Little Mariana Fruit Bat, native to Guam

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    • #13938 Reply
      Chris Lewer

      Many scientists believe that habitat loss, pollution and climate change have gone beyond the ‘tipping point’ and that we have already entered the sixth mass extinction.

      Is it even possible for endangered animal species to recover anymore? And what does it say about us as an intelligent species?

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