Miley Cyrus on overpopulation

Miley Cyrus On Overpopulation

Singer and actress Miley Cyrus has been a strong advocate for the environment and of women’s right.

The iconic pop singer has spoken out strongly against recent attacks on women’s reproductive rights, as well as condemning those critical of women who choose to be child free.

Speaking to Elle magazine in 2019, Cyrus criticised the social, cultural, and political pressures on women to have children:

“We’re expected to keep the planet populated. And when that isn’t a part of our plan or our purpose, there is so much judgment and anger that they try to make and change laws to force it upon you – even if you become pregnant in a violent situation.”

In that same interview, Cyrus also spoke out about humanity’s unsustainable demand on the planet and the need to act for future generations.

Voicing her concern about the state of the environment and, drawing on ecofeminism, she likened the damaging way humanity interacts with the planet with how women are often treated:

“We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women. We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce.”

“We’re getting handed a piece-of-sh*t planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.”

Miley Cyrus is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She is regarded as a pop icon and one of the world’s biggest influencers.

Miley Cyrus on overpopulation
Miley Cyrus on overpopulation

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  • Author
    • #14602 Reply
      Chris Lewer

      Are older generations more likely to ignore the issue of human overpopulation? Is it the young influencers like Miley Cyrus, with an almost intimate connection to younger generations, that hold the key to taking the overpopulation conversation mainstream?

    • #14605 Reply
      Kobi Ardu

      Miley Cyrus is great and not afraid to be outspoken, even if it makes her unpopular with politicians, church leaders, etc.

      She has over 200 million followers on Instagram and that is powerful. Young people listed to her views and take notice.

    • #14606 Reply
      Esther P

      Go Miley! There is starting to be a swing towards women choosing not to have children. It’s a fundamental right for women that can only benefit the planet.

    • #14607 Reply

      How about letting women decide which is best for the planet anyway. Or you could be like Elon Musk and have 12 kids with 3 different women, great for easing the burden on the planet. Probably why he wants to colonise mars.

      • #14670 Reply
        Petra F

        I used to think Elon Musk was a great guy, driving battery technology, electric vehicles. I think he’s lost the plot now. Perhaps he could donate some of his wealth to climate causes?

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