World's most endangered animals

World's Most Endangered Animals In 2024

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies nearly 4,000 species as being critically endangered, meaning they face such severe threats that they could very soon become extinct in the wild. These threats include habitat loss, poaching and wildlife trafficking, all directly attributable to human activity and human population growth.

The following list includes 19 of the planet’s most endangered animals, from birds, fish, and reptiles to marine and land mammals.

      1. Black rhino
      2. Javan rhino
      3. Northern white rhino
      4. Sumatran rhino
      5. Amur leopard
      6. Orangutan
      7. Gorilla
      8. African forest elephant
      9. Saolas
      10. Kākāpōs
      11. Brown spider monkey
      12. North Atlantic right whale
      13. Vaquitas
      14. Pangolin
      15. Hammerhead shark
      16. Box turtle
      17. Lemur
      18. Red-fronted macaw
      19. Pygmy three-toed sloth

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) works around the world to help protect endangered and vulnerable animals like these from threats including habitat loss, poaching, wildlife trafficking, and natural disasters. Learn more about how you can get involved.

World's most endangered animals
Only 18 Javan rhinos are know to currently exist in the wild.
World's most endangered animals
40 North Atlantic right whales are known to have died this year, leaving only an estimated 350.

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  • Author
    • #14516 Reply
      Chris Lewer

      How did mankind mess this up so badly? We’ve known for decades that animals species are on the decline, yet continue to engage in the same activity that is bringing about their demise!

    • #14519 Reply
      Paul S

      We have tech billionaires spending fortunes on developing space travel so that we can escape to another planet when earth finally collapses, when that money could be spent on saving what we have. Madness!

    • #14520 Reply
      Liam Jones

      It would be impossible to escape to another planet anyhow, there are far too many of us and we’d only destroy the one we moved to.

    • #14521 Reply

      This is so terribly sad and so preventable. Such beautiful animals deserve our protection and it’s their world as much as it is ours.

      Some of these species are actually down to single figures. Horrible!

    • #14590 Reply

      Humans should be genuinely ashamed. Still more intent on firing missiles at each other than trying to save what is left of the planet. Disgraceful.

    • #14671 Reply
      John M

      Much as I hate reading stories like this, it is incredibly important that people hear about this sort of thing. Tragic. And the number of poor animals lost to wildfires is simply awful. All humanities fault, there is no denying it.

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