$1 Billion US climate disasters in 2024

$1 Billion US Climate Disasters In 2024

In 2024 (as of November 30), there have been 24 confirmed weather/climate disaster events in the United States, each with losses exceeding $1 billion.

According to Carbon Brief, 74% of all extreme weather events are made more likely or more severe because of climate change. And in almost all cases, scientists concluded that these extremes were unlikely to have occurred without human influence on global temperatures (human influence being defined as the combined result of human population growth and human behaviour).

These 24 confirmed weather/climate disaster events include:

  • 17 severe storm events
  • 4 tropical cyclone events
  • 1 wildfire event; and
  • 2 winter storm events

Overall, these events resulted in the deaths of 418 people and had significant economic effects on the areas impacted, with overall damages exceeding $1 billion per event.

The annual average between 1980 and 2023 was 8.5 events (CPI-adjusted). The annual average between 2019 and 2023 was 20.4 events (CPI-adjusted).

A clear indication that destructive weather/climate events are becoming more frequent and more damaging as climate change, driven by human overpopulation, becomes an increasingly bigger threat.

The map below illustrates all 24 events. CLICK TO ENLARGE.

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  • Author
    • #14647 Reply
      Chris Lewer

      How many millions of people need to feel the effects of climate disasters before they wake up to the problem of climate change, driven by overpopulation?

    • #14650 Reply
      Daniel Caddie

      You would think that someone in government was smart enough to realise that those billions of dollars were better spent controlling population growth and moving to a green economy.

      Or we could ignore the problem and watch the world go bankrupt trying to continually rebuild.

    • #14651 Reply
      Beth K

      There are many communities here in the UK that can no longer get house insurance because of the increased threat from weather events. People living by continually flooding rivers or near areas of coastal erosion. Your house floods, no insurance to cover it.

      • #14652 Reply

        These used to be 1 in 100 year events. Now happening every 2 or 3 years, sometimes every year so insurance companies will no longer offer cover. We’re screwed pretty much. homes also becoming worthless and impossible to sell in some places.

    • #14668 Reply
      Anthony Cordoba

      It cannot be about the financial cost focus has to be on the environmental cost. Or invest that same amount of money into the renewable energy industry.

    • #14669 Reply
      Petra F

      And now we welcome in 2025 with wildfires in Los Angeles. It will continue to get worse unless people finally wake up, or until governments are brave enough to legislate against emissions.

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