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Chris LewerKeymaster
How many millions of people need to feel the effects of climate disasters before they wake up to the problem of climate change, driven by overpopulation?
Daniel CaddieGuest
You would think that someone in government was smart enough to realise that those billions of dollars were better spent controlling population growth and moving to a green economy.
Or we could ignore the problem and watch the world go bankrupt trying to continually rebuild.
Beth KGuest
There are many communities here in the UK that can no longer get house insurance because of the increased threat from weather events. People living by continually flooding rivers or near areas of coastal erosion. Your house floods, no insurance to cover it.
These used to be 1 in 100 year events. Now happening every 2 or 3 years, sometimes every year so insurance companies will no longer offer cover. We’re screwed pretty much. homes also becoming worthless and impossible to sell in some places.
Anthony CordobaGuest
It cannot be about the financial cost focus has to be on the environmental cost. Or invest that same amount of money into the renewable energy industry.
Petra FGuest
And now we welcome in 2025 with wildfires in Los Angeles. It will continue to get worse unless people finally wake up, or until governments are brave enough to legislate against emissions.