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  • Author
    • #13442
      Chris Lewer

      According to UN figures, between 1999 and October 2011 (12 years), the world’s human population went from 6 billion to 7 billion. Around November 15 2022, that figure reached 8 billion, a further increase of 1 billion in just 11 years.

      How many more people can our planet actually sustain long-term? And what is likely to collapse first… energy supplies, fresh water, food?

    • #13470
      Ocean Lover

      We are actually seeing the collapse of energy supplies right now, as well as rising energy costs globally. This is not sci-fi stuff, this is now a reality.

      • #13477

        Absolutely, even here in the UK the energy companies are talking about brief power outages if demand overtakes supply. My neighbour has four children and 6 televisions in the house. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the problem.

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